Where to pay IHT from?

Hi Dee, and thank you for your excellent question. IN generic terms, this is what generally happens in practice (each estate of course having its own articular peculiarities). IHT payable against cash assets is due before probate is issued. By definition therefore, money tends to be frozen at that point. However, many banks will release funds directly to the Revenue [...]

2025-01-14T12:36:07+00:0014 January|

Cash legacies

Hi Diane.  That's a really great question for which thank you!  It actually comes up quite a lot in practice.  The answer is yes, you can choose that to balance payments.  You do have other options too.  The first is to adjust the residuary percentages in the will, but that can be fiddly.  The other (and my preferred method) is [...]

2024-12-28T16:35:08+00:0028 December|

First Time Buyer Questions

What about you?  Are you recently a first time buyer?  Or, are you on the dreaded conveyancing wheel as a first time buyer right now?  How are you finding it?  What do you think solicitors could do better to help your particular concerns?  Let us know!

2024-09-11T17:34:46+01:0011 September|

First Time Buyer Questions

check out some of our articles aimed at the questions that first time buyers might have when making the very exciting step to buy their very first home! https://qlaw.co.uk/conveyancing/first-time-buyer-how-much-does-it-cost-to-buy-a-house/ https://qlaw.co.uk/conveyancing/a-simple-conveyancing-guide-for-first-time-buyers/ https://qlaw.co.uk/conveyancing/first-time-buyers-who-does-what-when-buying-a-house/ First Time Buyer - Choosing a Conveyancing Solicitor (qlaw.co.uk)

2024-09-11T17:33:39+01:0011 September|

What attracts Inheritance Tax (IHT)

Hi Dave and thanks so much for your question. Yes, IHT is potentially payable against a whole estate, not just residue. And/but yes, gifts to charities are exempt from IHT. Also, if you leave more than 10% of your estate to charity then the remainder of your estate is charged at a reduced IHT rate of 36% rather than 40%. [...]

2024-08-30T10:49:30+01:0030 August|

Inheritance after divorce

Hi there,Given your situation, it's crucial to consult with divorce financial settlement lawyers. They can provide specific advice on whether your ex-husband can claim part of your inheritance and what steps you can take to protect it. Generally, if the financial settlement wasn't addressed during the divorce, he might have a claim. However, a lawyer can guide you on how [...]

2024-08-07T14:19:57+01:007 August|

Tenancy in Common – do I have to leave?

Hey Andre, and thanks so much for reaching out to QLAW. Whilst we cannot advise you specifically on your particular circumstances, this query does come up from time and time and is essentially one of a practical nature. If you (or anyone else) can 'buy out' the share wanting to leave then great. If you cannot, then there is no [...]

2024-08-05T09:24:00+01:005 August|


Hi and thank you for your question! This is an ongoing problem for many - with conflicting advice being given by HMRC and the Probate Registry. On the facts that you have provided, yes, it seems to be excepted. We suggest you call HMRC IHT Helpline to get a view from them, and then if the Probate Registry rejects your [...]

2024-08-02T12:01:14+01:002 August|
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