What are the Intestacy Rules?

What are the Intestacy Rules? Who gets what when we die without a Will? The intestacy rules are the laws that define who gets our estate if we die without having left a Will.  Our Will sets out who gets what, and who will be our executors.  So, without leaving a [...]

2024-12-16T09:55:59+00:0015 December|Intestacy, Wills|

What happens if I die without a Will?

What happens if I die without a Will? If you die without a will the law decides who inherits your estate! If you don’t make a will, then the law decides who gets your estate, not you! And, don’t think that the law necessarily will do as you wanted. For example, [...]

2024-12-16T09:56:28+00:0025 July|Intestacy, Wills|
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