Fist wage payment after being tuped over2024-03-28T10:13:14+00:00
1.13K viewsEmployment

I have this month from the 1st of March been tupe’d over to a new employer. I was under the impression that no changes to employment or pay would be made, but i was informed yesterday 26th March that i would only receive 3 weeks wages up to the 20th March and would need to fill out a timesheet from now on.

My original employer paid us a salary each month but it now seems that we will be hourly paid as we need to fill timesheets out, can they do this? as some colleagues are this month now £££ short.

Many thanks Trevor

Team QLAW! Answered question 28th March 2024
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We often see issues where the new employer post-TUPE transfer pays differently. However, under TUPE no changes should be made to things like how and when you’re paid – at least, not without prior consultation. We aren’t giving legal advice here, and it’s best to get specific legal advice about your particular situation. Do email us at so we can arrange to speak directly.

Team QLAW! Answered question 28th March 2024
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