Flexible Working
Flexible working (along with wellbeing at work) is thankfully now top of many employers agenda as far as their staff contracts and terms and conditions, are concerned. Flexible working was of course something that the pandemic helped to highlight. So here, we have tried to cover off all of your flexible working questions! Am I entitled to work from home? Can an employer refuse my request to work from home? What is a flexible working policy. And even how much does a flexible working policy cost? We have tried to cover off all of your flexible working queries. If you still have questions whether an employee or an employer, let us know. You can email us at info@qlaw.co.uk or call us on 03300 020 365!
Employment Law Services
Solicitor near me?
Was it George Orwell (Animal Farm) that challenged us to wonder whether all things that seem equal really are (the question was posed via Napoleon – a power hungry young pig). So, what about solicitors? Are all solicitors equal? As sure as pigs is pigs, the answer is most definitely NOT!
Solicitor Services

Check out other solicitors’ websites and they’ll be littered with self-adulation – they’re “leading solicitor” this, and “solicitors doing” that.
Rather than toot our own horn we’d rather you be the judge of how good our solicitors are. Our clients are free to leave whatever thoughts they feel best describe the legal service they received from us. It’s raw. It’s honest. It’s for real. And critically, it’s from you!