Staff Handbook
A staff handbook (sometimes also called an office manual) is where a company’s HR and office policies will be stored. They will form part of an employees contract of employment – their ‘terms and conditions’. A staff handbook will generally cover contractual things such as:-
Redundancy policy
Grievance policy and procedure
Disciplinary policy and procedure
And, it may also cover ‘softer’ things around the company’s brand and operating ethos and processes. So this might include brand values, service standards and expectations (eg how a telephone is answered), and even how employees dress. These soft areas are helpful in giving the business a clear yard stick on delivering their brand values and service standards. Ideally, these policies and guidance will be measurable (SMART) and not subjective.
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Was it George Orwell (Animal Farm) that challenged us to wonder whether all things that seem equal really are (the question was posed via Napoleon – a power hungry young pig). So, what about solicitors? Are all solicitors equal? As sure as pigs is pigs, the answer is most definitely NOT!
Staff Handbook FAQs
What is a staff handbook?
A staff handbook is a collection of policies relating (in the main) to the terms and conditions of employees. It will often include ‘softer’ things such as brand values, and service delivery expectations.
Is a staff handbook the same as an office manual?
Yes – the terms refer to the same thing.
Where can I find my employer’s staff handbook?
Typically an employer will make the staff handbook available to employees electronically, either in PDF form, or online if their business has a staff portal. Employees should be given a copy of the office manual when starting their employment, and given/pointed to any updates that are made thereafter.
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