How to address concerns about abuse of power and care home issues with an LPA involvement?2024-09-09T11:17:40+01:00
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Hello My first question is will this cost me any money and if so that’s were this will have to end if not whats the process as I’m in the middle of a bad situation involving potential abuse of power as I’m the donors youngest son who really should have been invited but haven’t and I’ve no ego jealousy issue angst etc towards any of them but I have a nursing experience of all 3 major disciplines as well as teaching supporting individuals or groups using an individual development plan and later as a paralegal at the CROWN PROSECUTION SERVICE LEEDS of 30 years whereas my sisters experience at bringing family up textiles accountancy my nephew is engineering and technology linked to the Government and niece army, para medic training and working as quality assurance and lately Manage of care home of total of 2 years who live in North Yorkshire Goole and Telford whereas I’ve lived with mum before during and after the setup of her LPA right up until mum was admitted to a care home? Basically the whole thing stinks which isn’t helped by the homes has a tendency to lean to their family with a view to pushing my wife and me out and lately I’ve been threatened with Court action cause unknown?? but mum has given full access to every aspect of life records information etc via the medical/nursing staff/professor and are inserting unofficial guidelines which are given unilateral and non-negotiable which are overriding agreed Care plans agreed by all family members Deputy manager and Social worker/CPN so are running roughshod over everyone to the point that the home are considering issuing a notice as they are making mums care unmanageable as they accept orders and instructions by email without discussion with my wife and I and without been challenged by the homes management like its a secure unit as a plaything for their dictation and at their beck and call/ help please but I will not be surprised if y say no thanks tried solicitors Alzheimers uk age concern citizen advice and I’m working on my own with invisible disabilities expecting to be accused of benefit fraud or abuse/harm of mum

Team QLAW! Changed status to publish 9th September 2024
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