Health & Wellbeing at Work

At last, our wellbeing and health at work is finally a priority for employers! Long overdue, our mental health in the workplace is finally getting the credit it so very badly needed. A healthy workforce is a happy workforce is a productive workforce – etc etc! So here, we have tried to cover off all of your employment law queries around health and wellbeing in the workplace. If there is something we haven’t covered off, please contact one of our expert employment law solicitors who will be very happy to help you! You can email us at info@qlaw.co.uk or call us on 03300 020 365!





Health & Wellbeing at Work FAQs

Employee health and wellbeing is defined as the overall mental, physical, emotional and economic health of employees in a business. It relates to making sure employees are healthy, satisfied and engaged with their work and about achieving a good work/life balance.

Taking steps like those below can help improve health and wellbeing at work, but there are a myriad of things that can improve health and wellbeing at work.  Examples given by the NHS include, connecting with others; physical activity; learning new skills; giving to others; being mindful and attentive to the present.

A complex question! It comes back to the five ways to wellbeing above, and the idea that if your employees are content at work, they’ll stay. So, perhaps the key to wellbeing in the workplace is to facilitate and enable employees to be well at work by providing them with the tools to monitor and take care of, and where necessary improve, their wellbeing.

Put in place an appropriate policy or suite of policies, all aimed at building and maintaining employee wellbeing. Promote and introduce those policies to all staff, and on an ongoing basis to all new joiners, to ensure that all staff are fully aware of the facilities and options available to them. Train managers on employee health and wellbeing, what it is and how important it is – part of this training should include what happens if health and wellbeing are not prioritised, and the costs and problems this can cause.

Content staff will stay with the business, protecting the investment in their training and development and retaining the institutional knowledge that can only be built up over time. It isn’t just about what you pay employees at the end of the month – employees now expect non-cash benefits and evidence that their employer cares about their health and wellbeing, and supports their mental health in particular, to help reduce or minimise stress and thus help maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Wellbeing health and safety in the workplace means active promotion and facilitation of employee wellbeing, not just measures to avoid accidents and illness.

A workplace wellbeing policy template is a policy setting out the workplace wellbeing policy of a business, including details of what the business provides to staff in order to promote and maintain their wellbeing.

We may in future provide a free template workplace wellbeing policy. However, we would recommend that any policy is tailored to the particular business, the steps you take to promote and maintain workplace wellbeing, and the benefits you offer. You will therefore get better value for money by instructing us and giving us full details of your offering so we can prepare a policy tailored and specific to your business.

We may in future provide a free template workplace wellbeing policy. However, we would recommend that any policy is tailored to the particular business, the steps you take to promote and maintain workplace wellbeing, and the benefits you offer. You will therefore get better value for money by instructing us and giving us full details of your offering so we can prepare a policy tailored and specific to your business.

A workplace wellbeing policy should set out the workplace wellbeing policy, including details of what the business provides to and expects from staff in order to promote and maintain their wellbeing. It will touch on diversity and inclusivity, and illustrate that the business wants to identify issues early and resolve them before they lead to formal processes, or have a detrimental impact on employees.

Employment Law Services

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Employment Blogs

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Was it George Orwell (Animal Farm) that challenged us to wonder whether all things that seem equal really are (the question was posed via Napoleon – a power hungry young pig). So, what about solicitors? Are all solicitors equal? As sure as pigs is pigs, the answer is most definitely NOT!

Solicitor Services


Check out other solicitors’ websites and they’ll be littered with self-adulation – they’re “leading solicitor” this, and “solicitors doing” that.

Rather than toot our own horn we’d rather you be the judge of how good our solicitors are. Our clients are free to leave whatever thoughts they feel best describe the legal service they received from us. It’s raw. It’s honest. It’s for real. And critically, it’s from you!
