Health & Wellbeing at Work
At last, our wellbeing and health at work is finally a priority for employers! Long overdue, our mental health in the workplace is finally getting the credit it so very badly needed. A healthy workforce is a happy workforce is a productive workforce – etc etc! So here, we have tried to cover off all of your employment law queries around health and wellbeing in the workplace. If there is something we haven’t covered off, please contact one of our expert employment law solicitors who will be very happy to help you! You can email us at or call us on 03300 020 365!
Employment Law Services
Solicitor near me?
Was it George Orwell (Animal Farm) that challenged us to wonder whether all things that seem equal really are (the question was posed via Napoleon – a power hungry young pig). So, what about solicitors? Are all solicitors equal? As sure as pigs is pigs, the answer is most definitely NOT!
Solicitor Services

Check out other solicitors’ websites and they’ll be littered with self-adulation – they’re “leading solicitor” this, and “solicitors doing” that.
Rather than toot our own horn we’d rather you be the judge of how good our solicitors are. Our clients are free to leave whatever thoughts they feel best describe the legal service they received from us. It’s raw. It’s honest. It’s for real. And critically, it’s from you!